Lord Krishna as the Charioter of our Life

Lord Krishna as the Charioter of our Life
Battle of Life

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Message of the Gita - Note 5

Gita Second Series Part 2 Chapter 24
The Message of the Gita
Note 5
…… contd from Note 4
The divine teacher continues with his message :
“Who is Supreme ? He is the Purushottama. He is eternal beyond all manifestation. He is infinite beyond all limitation by Time or Space or Causality of any of his numberless qualities and features.[1] However, it will be wrong to assume that because he is beyond all manifestation, he is least interested with the happenings in this world of mortals or that he is cut off from world and nature, or that he is aloof from all these things. It is true that he is the supreme ineffable Brahman. He is impersonal self. But it is also true that he is all PERSONAL existences. Spirit as well as life and matter, soul and Nature and the works of Nature are nothing else but aspects and movements of his infinite and eternal existence. Yes, he is the supreme transcendent Spirit. At the same time, all comes into manifestation from him and are his forms and his self-powers. There is no contradiction here. Both of his aspects are inter-related. In his nature of ‘ONE SELF’, he is here all-pervasive and equal and impersonal in man and animal and thing and object and every force of Nature. He is the supreme Soul and all souls are tireless flames of this one Soul. All living beings are in their spiritual personality deathless portions of the one Person or Purusha. He is the eternal Master of all manifested existence, Lord of the worlds and their creatures. He is the omnipotent originator of all actions. He is no bound by his work. To him go all action and effort and offerings. He is in all and all are in him. He has become all and yet too he is above all and not limited by his creations. He is the transcendent Divine. He descends as the Avatar. He is manifest by his power in the Vibhuti. He is the Godhead secret in every human  being. All the gods whom men worship are only personalities and forms and names and mental bodies of the one Divine Existence.

“The Supreme has manifested the world from his spiritual essence and in his own infinite existence. He has also manifested himself  variously in the world. All things are his powers and figures and to the powers and figures of him there is no end. This is because he himself is infinite. He is all pervading and containing impersonal self-existence. In this capacity he informs and sustains all this infinite manifestation in Time and the universe. He does this equally and without any partiality, preference or attachment to any person or thing or happening or feature. This pure and equal Self does not act, but supports impartially all the action of things. And yet it is the Supreme who in is aspect of the cosmic Spirit and the Time Spirit wills and conducts and determines the action of the world. He does this through his multitudinous power-to-be. This is the power of the Spirit which we call Nature. He creates, sustains and destroys his creations. He is seated too in the heart of every living creature. From this station he acts as a secret Power in the individual.[2] At the same time he also acts from his universal presence in the cosmos. He originates by force of Nature. He manifests some line of his mystery in quality of nature and in executive energy of nature. He shapes each thing and being separately according to its kind. He also initiates and upholds all action. The complex nature of the cosmos is created out of this transcendent first origination from the Supreme. It is caused by this constant universal and individual manifestation of Him in things and beings.

………… to continue
………. Based on Essays on the Gita by Sri Aurobindo

[1] Page 559
[2] Page 560