Lord Krishna as the Charioter of our Life

Lord Krishna as the Charioter of our Life
Battle of Life

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Message of the Gita - Note 6

Gita Second Series Part 2 Chapter 24
The Message of the Gita
Note 6
….… contd from Note 5

[1]The Divine Being has three states of existence. These states are eternal. They are as follows :
1                   Eternal Immutable Self-Existence. It is the basis of all existent things. It supports them.
2                   Spirit which is mutable in Nature. It is manifested by her as all these existences.
3                   Transcendent Divine. It can be both of these two states as mentioned above at the same time. In other words, it can be a pure and silent Spirit and at the same time it can also be the active soul and life of the cycles of the universe. This is because he is something other and more than these two. It should be noted that this is true irrespective of whether we take them separately or together.
What dwells in us is Jiva. It is a spirit of this eternal Spirit which is the conscious power of the Supreme. He carries power of the Supreme in his deepest self. The whole of the immanent Divine is carried in him. As Nature he lives in the universal Divine. This Nature is not a temporary creation. It is an eternal soul acting and moving in the eternal Self – in the eternal Infinite.

This conscient soul in us can adopt either of these three states of the Spirit as explained above.

Man can live here exclusively in the mutability of Nature. In this state, he is ignorant of his real self as well as of the God-head within him. In this state he knows only the Nature. He sees her as a mechanical executive and creative Force.  He sees himself and others as her creations. He only perceives egos and the separated existences in her universe.

Superficially this describes the current existence of Man. He needs to exceed this outer consciousness. He need to have the knowledge of what is within him. Until this is realized, all his thought and science can only be a SHADOW OF LIGHT thrown upon screens and surfaces. The greater reality of God is lost to our view. This ignorance happens or we can even say it is IMPOSED, because the Godhead within us is hidden by the veil of his own power. Though his creations here are only his partial manifestation, he has completely identified himself with it.  He has let his mind get fully absorbed in the deceptive workings of his own Nature.

One of the reason why this is made possible is that the real, the eternal, the spiritual Nature is NOT manifest in their outward phenomena. [2]This Nature is the secret of things in themselves. What is manifested here is only a LOWER FORCE. This is what we see here when we look outwards. This lower force is what acts in our mind and body and senses. It is a derivation of the real thing, but not the real thing itself. Figuratively we can say that it is the Magician who creates figures of the Spirit while at the same time hides the Spirit in its figures. He conceals the truth and makes men look upon masks. It is a Force which is only capable of a sum of secondary and depressed values. It does not have the full power and glory and ecstasy and sweetness of the manifestation of the Divine.

This Nature in us is a Maya of the ego. It is a tangle of the dualities. It is a web of ignorance and the three Gunas. So long as the soul of man lives in the surface fact of mind and life and body, he can not see God and himself and the world as they really are. He can not overcome this Maya. He must do what he can with its terms and figures but not its original source. In order to transcend this tangle of dualities, Man need to live in his true self and spirit.

………… to continue
………. Based on Essays on the Gita by Sri Aurobindo

[1] Page 560
[2] Page 561