Lord Krishna as the Charioter of our Life

Lord Krishna as the Charioter of our Life
Battle of Life

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Message of the Gita - Note 4

Gita Second Series Part 2 Chapter 24
The Message of the Gita
Note 4
…… contd from Note 3
The Divine Teacher continues in his message :
“Let us understand as to what and how this knowledge is made real and living to the mind, heart and life [1]? This is the knowledge which will have to be admitted by the understanding and supported by the soul’s faith. It is the knowledge of the supreme Soul and Spirit in its oneness and its wholeness. It is the knowledge of One who is eternal, beyond Time and Space. It is beyond name and form and world. It is high beyond his own personal and impersonal levels. At the same time, it is also the source of all. It is the One whom all manifests in manifold Nature and her multitude of figures. It is the knowledge of him as an impersonal eternal immutable Spirit, the calm and limitless thing we call Self. He is infinite, equal and always the same. He is unaffected and unmodified and unchanged. He  keeps this attribute even amid all this constant changing and all this multitude of individual personalities. And even amid all the soul powers and Nature powers. And even amid all the forms and forces and eventualities of this transitory and apparent existence.

On the other hand, it is also exactly OPPOSITE of what is described above. It is the knowledge of him at the same time as the Spirit and Power who seems ever mutable in Nature. He is the Inhabitant who shapes himself to every form and modifies himself to every grade and degree and activity of his power. He is also the Spirit who, becoming all that is even while he is for ever infinitely more than all that is. He dwells in man and animal and thing, subject and object. He dwells in soul and mind and life and matter. In fact, he dwells in every existence and every force and every creature.

“It is not by insisting only on this or that side of the truth that you can practice this Yoga. There are multitude of ways to approach him. The Divine whom you have to seek, the Self whom you have to discover, the supreme Soul of whom your soul is an eternal portion, is simultaneously all these things[2]. You have to know them simultaneously in a supreme oneness. You have to enter into all of them at once and in all states and all things see Him alone. If he were solely the Spirit mutable in Nature, there would be only an eternal and universal becoming.  If you limit your faith and knowledge to that one aspect, you will get stuck in your personality and its constant changeful figures. You will be tied to the revolutions in Nature if you were to base your understanding on such a foundation.

“But you are not merely a succession of soul moments in Time.  There is an impersonal self in you which supports the stream of your personality. It is one with God’s vast and impersonal spirit. These are the two opposite poles of your existence. Both are true. But your real existence is even beyond this. It is incalculable beyond this impersonality and personality. It is dominating these two constant poles of what you are here. You are eternal and transcendent in the Eternal Transcendence.

“Let us look at it from different perspective. If we assume that only truth is that of an eternal impersonal self that neither acts nor creates, then there is no real basis to your soul or the world. In such a case, the world and your soul would be illusions without any real basis. If you limit your faith and knowledge to this one lonely aspect, then the renunciation of life and action is your only resource. But God in the world and you in the world are realities. It is NOT an ILLUSION. The world and you are true and actual powers and manifestations of the Supreme. Therefore accept life and action and do not reject them. Be one with God in your impersonal self and essence. Be an eternal portion of the Godhead. Turn to God by the love and adoration of your spiritual personality for its own Infinite. Make of your natural being what it is intended to be - an instrument of works, a channel, a power of the Divine. Anyway, that it always is in its truth – whether you are conscious or not of this knowledge. At present you are acting unconsciously and imperfectly through the lower nature. It is doomed to a disfigurement of the Godhead by your ego. Therefore AWAKE and be AWARE of your true nature. Do not let it be distorted by your ego. Make it consciously and perfectly a power of the Divine in his supreme spiritual nature. Make it a vehicle of his will and his works. In this way you will live in the integral truth of your own being. You will possess the integral God-union, the whole and flawless Yoga.
………… to continue
………. Based on Essays on the Gita by Sri Aurobindo

[1] Page 557
[2] 558

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